Quotes & Notes (d)

1.     ©Don’t be grumpy, smile.
2.     ©Don’t get frustrated if you can’t reach something. Jump carefully.
3.     ©Don’t feel frustrated and anxious, keep your eyes open.
4.     ©Don’t get into chocolate eating frenzy, it won’t melt away after a while!
5.     ©Don’t become embarrassed if you’re suffering from chronic gas problem, visit you Dr. so you don’t pollute your home.
6.     ©Don’t hide yourself behind see through walls thinking that everything will sort itself out. They probably won’t!
7.     ©Don’t you find it crazy that we’re only become young once, and never get old twice?!
8.     ©Dreaming of becoming a star one day? Think that you already are one.
9.     ©Don’t try to stand on your hands, you might forget your feet!
10. ©Don’t sing while doing yoga. Your voice might become twisted!
11. ©Desire is always a matter for heart; Once it is there, not easily subsides!
12. ©Do it from behind; until I turn you on!
13. ©Deal with the wrong gently; unless you’ve been run over, and force become unavoidable.
14. ©Don’t take the life for granted; any day may be your last day.
15. ©Don’t keep thinking about dying, some day we all will die; laugh at it.
16. ©Don’t blame the gravitation if you cannot hold back to fall in love!
17. ©Delicate hearts, will break easy; A is the one, not B and C, or D!
18. ©Don’t put your tongue in my mouth; until mine comes out! (a woman’s wish).